Furniture manufacturers rely heavily on the images made of their products just like architects do with their buildings. When shooting a showroom there are many very important details to consider. When photographing furniture the texture and color of the materials used need to translate in the images. Most people will see these images before they get a chance to visit the showroom and experience the furniture in person. We try our hardest to photograph the furniture and showroom in a way that accurately represents the textures, colors, and scale of the furniture in a space. Consumers need to be able to imagine this furniture in their own or their client’s space.
Allsteel Showroom Photography - New York, NY
AJ Brown Imaging has spent many years photographing showrooms for furniture manufacturers and dealers all over the United States. Furniture showroom photography has many parallels to architectural photography but it is a very different animal. AJ Brown has spend years perfecting his craft of furniture and showroom photography.
Commercial Furniture Photographer AJ Brown shoots Allsteel’s Chicago Showroom
Rather than the focus on the architecture and how we interact with it, our main focus becomes the furniture in the space and how it’s used in the space. When shooting for furniture manufacturers the photographs tend to be tighter and less about the building itself.
Showroom Photographer AJ Brown Imaging at NeoCon for Allsteel
AJ Brown Imaging has photographed furniture showrooms all over the United States. AJ Brown Imaging has photographed showrooms in Chicago, Boston, New York, San Francisco, Huston, Dallas, Des Moines, and more.
Furniture Showroom photography In Boston with AJ Brown Imaging
AJ Brown Imaging started shooting for furniture manufactures in 2014. He has photographed countless furniture product launches as well as showrooms for furniture manufacturers and dealers for 10 years.
Showroom Photography in San Fransisco, CA - AJ Brown Imaging
Commercial Furniture Showroom photographer AJ Brown Imaging for Alsteel
Furniture Product Showroom Photography in San Fransisco, CA
Commercial furniture photography and showroom photography has slowly became AJ Brown Imaging’s expertise. It wasn’t even intentional, AJ Brown Imaging previously focused on architectural photography only but in 2014 he was able to start shooting furniture and showrooms and quickly carved out a second notch to his commercial photography business.
Furniture Showroom Photographer AJ Brown Imaging
Showroom photography at NeoCon in Chicago, IL
Showroom and furniture photographer AJ Brown Imaging in New York, NY